Random Thoughts of a Guardian
In many situations a follow up is necessary. When one is a Guardian of another person, it is extremely important to “Follow Up” on “Following Up”. Why do I say it is important? and How do I Remember to follow up? I wish I could say I was Born this Way…but alas it is a…
This world is full of so many feelings that it’s become an artform on who is full of more feelings over another. Feelings have become a competition that to actually hear real conversation or someone’s thoughts is never even considered or thought about. Let’s get real! OK? Feelings are just that…F E E L I…
One wonders just how much “patience” one person can have. Moi’ I am one that tends to breathe, push through and then deal with all that I shoved deep inside until “AFTER” the crisis…so to speak. I am amazed at my patience level during these moments. 🙂 Know What I Mean Vern? Truly, it’s never…
I wrote this a few months back after a frightening 2 weeks in August 2020. “A Month of Surprises and COVid Stupidity” I am usually a fair minded and levelheaded person who understands commonsense approaches to numerous kinds of difficulties. However…and you KNEW there was one coming! CoVid protocol insanity has gone off the commonsense…
Perspective PERSPECTIVE (This was originally written the Summer of 2019 after Paul’s fall and hip surgery) I have to admit that the past year changed my own perspective on a role of a guardian, of a sister, of an entrepreneur, of a friend and of Stand4Fam. Where I thought the Lord was leading me in…
Juggling is a great word don’t you think? It fits my life for I juggle my daily schedule with my husband’s schedule, Stand4Fam, my brother’s life and ALL his services. It’s been close to a year since Paul’s fall and partial hip replacement surgery, followed by a 2 week stint dealing with intestinal complications. It…
I often wonder if I am the only one who “Fights the Good Fight” on behalf of a loved one. 24-7-365 I am the one that Initiates and Ends services, medical connections, contracts such as leases, bills, even relationships that interact with my brother Paul. However, no matter how alone I feel I KNOW there…